Welcome to the Official Website for the Carer Friendly ID Card for
Carers in Dorset

The Carer Friendly ID Card is provided by Forward Carers and is available for FREE to unpaid Carers who newly register with either BCP Carers Support (BCP Council residents) or Carer Support Dorset, (for Dorset Council residents). The card is also available for existing registered Carers who need to renew an expired card. The card is fully funded by Dorset Council and BCP Council to make life better for unpaid Carers.

Your Carer Friendly Photo ID Card

Proves you’re a Carer when you are out and about

Provides access to hundreds of local and national discounts on goods and services

Records your In Case of Emergency (ICE) contact details

Comes as a physical card and digital download for your phone

How to get your Carer Friendly ID Card

This is the official Carers ID Card for Dorset. The Carer Friendly ID Card is available to you if you are an unpaid Carer:

  • AND you have recently registered with BCP Carers Support (BCP Council residents), or Carer Support Dorset.
  • OR, if you have an existing ID Card that has expired, or  you have received a letter or email from your Carer service confirming you are eligible for a new Carer Friendly ID Card

If you are eligible for the Carer Friendly ID Card, you will receive a letter or email from Carer Support Dorset or BCP Carers Support at the point of renewal with details of how to access your new card.  If you have any questions, please contact BCP Carers Support or Carer Support Dorset for more information.

If you live in Bournemouth, Christchurch or Poole, register with BCP Carers Support here or call 01202 128787. If you are caring for someone living in Dorset Council area, register with Carer Support Dorset here or call 0800 368 8349.

Not sure if you’re an unpaid Carer?

A Carer is anyone, including children and adults, who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and who cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid and includes being an adult looking after another adult, an adult looking after a child with additional support needs and a young person looking after a sibling or adult.

Find out more about the caring role here and register with your local Carers Information Service for support and services (see details above) to obtain your free Carer Friendly ID Card. 

The new Carer Friendly ID Card launched in January 2023. If you currently have one of the cards pictured below, these are still valid and you should continue using it until it has reached its expiry date. When your card is due to expire you will receive information on how to request your new Carer Friendly ID Card.

Are you a Dorset Business
or Service?

Join hundred’s of local businesses already part of the Carer Friendly Community and offer a special deal, discount or offer to Carers who show their Carer Friendly ID Card. Find out about the Business Benefits, and register below. Or, if you’re a Carer and want to recommend an organisation you’d like to see recognise the Carer Friendly ID card, email us at carerfriendly@forwardcarers.org.uk